ISO-Base Technology

The Trusted Platform for Global Data Center Security

WorkSafe Technologies™ has been safeguarding people and critical equipment for over 30 years. Our ISO-Base™ platforms have been trusted to secure some of the most critical computer systems around the globe, with over 500 billion dollars worth of equipment protected by ISO-BaseTM.

Our platform isolates the ground movement away from the equipment, allowing it to move and return to rest without damaging it. Any company with critical equipment in seismic zones 3-4 should protect their equipment with ISO-BaseTM.

ISO-BaseTM can be used for data centers, laboratories, robotics, containment systems, liquid-cooled servers, and basically any other critical equipment. We have platforms that can support up to 10,000 pounds and we can add additional dishes to deal with more weight.

ISO-BaseTM has undergone 25 years of rigorous testing and has passed the tests with flying colors. Our platforms have performed through 20 major and 300 smaller earthquakes, and we have never had a cabinet tip over.

It's only a matter of time until an earthquake, so make sure your critical equipment is protected by the best!

Who should use

Who should use

  • Any Critical Equipment in Seismic Zones 3-4
  • Any Operating Drives
  • Data Centers, Lab Equipment, Robotics, Containment Systems, any Critical Equipment

The most important facts to consider:

  • Can do live lifts on equipment to install the platforms to minimize downtime
  • Have people trained around the globe
  • Can lay out the platforms in the room before equipment is installed
  • Vibration Control - limited shock or vibration will travel up to the servers
  • Can support 10,000+ pounds of equipment
  • 25+ years of testing
  • NEBS GR-63 Core Waveform Testing - passed 150%
  • Real-world tested in over 20 major earthquakes and 300 smaller earthquakes with no failures
  • Anchor bolting is the only other option, but it only deals with life safety; it doesn't protect equipment
ISO-BaseTM is the only product that deals with life safety issues and offers operational continuity to critical equipment.

Contact us to learn how ISO-Base™ can protect your critical equipment.